…and why is every one choosing a word for the year?

I don’t know if you have noticed or not, but there seems to be a relatively new thing happening around the New Year these days. Perhaps, it’s not too new and I am just behind the times. Either way, it is a really neat practice that I have adopted this year: Choosing a Word for the year.
I first heard about choosing a word for the year last year. But I’ll be honest, I didn’t really understand the point of it. Plus we were super busy moving and I forgot about it before I did any research, so I didn’t happen.
This year, however, I have heard about it a lot more and I have even listened to a few podcasts about it. Here is a great one if you’d like some additional guidance for choosing a word for the year.
So what’s the point of choosing a word for the year? Let me break it down by sharing a few benefits that I see and have experienced already by choosing a word for the year.
Benefits of choosing a word for the year
- Helps you set a POSITIVE MINDSET for the year. Studies show that you can ultimately set your mindset. If you tell your self again and again that it is going to be a bad day, your mind will expect the negative and actually seek out the negative things around you that you otherwise may not have noticed. The opposite is true for positive self-talk. Choosing a word for the year (as long as it promotes positivity) actually helps you set a positive mindset for the year,
- Gives you a THEME for your goals. Setting goals is a favorite practice of mine for the New Year (and throughout the year). However, it can be overwhelming when setting goals in all areas of your life when there is no underlying commonality tying them all together. Choosing a word for the year provides a foundation from which all of your goals can form. Below I will share my word and how it is the theme for all of my goals in my many different areas of life from family to self-care to business.
- Gives you FOCUS and helps you stay on track (or get back on track). Let’s just put it this way, if you set goals you will eventually fall off track. It’s normal, and it’s inevitable because we are fallible humans who need Jesus. However, the worst thing you can do when you fall off track
is give up on your goals. Always strive to get back on course. Choosing a word for the year can help you do this. Reminding yourself of the one simple word can realign your mind with where you were originally headed and help get you back to moving in the right direction.
The number of times a person falls off track does not determine if that person is a failure, however, the number of times that person gets back up will determine their level of success.
So what word did I chose for 2019?
Diligent– constant in effort to accomplish something.

This word excites me! I chose this word because it is the overlying theme I would like to have in my life in 2019. The Lord has assigned me a few important tasks in this season and I would like to diligently accomplish those things according to His will.
Diligent does not mean perfect effort… it simply means constant and careful effort. It creates a mindset of slow, steady progress forward, rather than the messy, rushed,
How this word applies to every area of my goals
I like to set goals based on priorities in my life. (If you’d like a FREE fun, quick tutorial of how I set goals sign up here for my 3 Day Goal Setting Email Challenge).
My priorities
Another must-have tool to help me stay focused on my WORD and my goals each week throughout the year is by the Intentionally U Planner designed specifically to help me stay on track! PLUS with the custom cover option, I can have my WORD on the front of my planner to remind me each day what my theme and focus are for the year!
I hope this inspires you and helps you in choosing a word for the year.
Happy 2019! Make it amazing!
Hi Allison! I signed up a while ago for your email notifications, so I’ve been reading them and your blog posts for a while now. When I saw the title of this post, I was interested to see which word you would choose for your Word for the Year and smiled when I saw that it was diligent. I have two this year. Diligence and Intentional.
I am looking forward to changing one small thing at time and being able to look back at the end of the year and see how far I’ve come on this journey. I typically make BIG plans and then I get overwhelmed by the mountain in front of me, vs. breaking the journey down and realizing I don’t have to leap from here to there. I just need to take one step. Begin a new habit. My other take away this year is realizing my first goal–before anything else–is pleasing God. If that is my goal, I can’t fail–according to His definition of success.
Anyway, thank you for your encouraging posts. Blessings!
Thank you so much for the comment! I am glad you are following along and finding encouragement! I love that we the same word. I also love the word Intentional 😉 I am excited for your year! I love your attitude that pleasing God is your number one priority and YES you said it so perfectly. You can not fail when you do His will. Also small changes over a long time equal huge life shifts! Happy 2019!