One of my goals for 2019 is to read 18 books. Reading has never been a strong suit for me, so this is a big goal for this girl! I intend to read books that will deepen my faith, improve my parenting skills, make me a more in-tune wife and also books that will guide me in this world of
Today is January 4th and I just finished book 1 of 18 for 2019! Yay! I could not have chosen a better book to start with (and no, it is not a book about setting goals), but I will say it did help me look at my goals through a better lens. The book is called “Growing in Gratitude: Rediscovering the Joy of a Thankful Heart” by Mary K. Mohler.

Overall Rating: 10/10
Here’s why…
This book was well-organized which is super important for my brain. I struggle reading books that don’t follow a strong, orderly outline. Books that jump around and are all over the place lose my attention quickly.
Growing in Gratitude is a quick read. I wouldn’t necessarily call it short, but it is a fast read. She writes in plain language, but her stories, discussion, and real-life examples are captivating. I was able to read this book in 5 days (yes I started NYE), reading for approximately 20-30 minutes each day and I’m a slow reader.
This book has an absolutely phenomenal message that you can apply to your life immediately. This isn’t a book that reprimands you and leaves you feeling guilty. No, not at all.
Quick Summary
Mary begins in chapter one by laying out the overlying problem that is so prevalent in our world today: the absence of gratitude. Then from a Christian worldview, she explains the importance of gratitude.
In chapter two, she defines the two different types of gratitude and explains the difference between gratitude shown by an atheist and the type of gratitude which should be show by a Christian. The two types are natural gratitude and gracious gratitude. A non-Christian will practice the first type, while a Christian should practice both, beginning with the second type.
“Gracious Gratitude takes no notice of the gifts received but focuses on praising the Giver for his character and his incomparable love.”
-Mary K. Mohler
Then Mary goes on to point out four common hindrances that keep us from having a consistent heart of gratitude. In the next chapters she expands on each of the following four hindrances:
- longing for salvation of a lost loved-one
- busyness & self-focus
- discontentment over our circumstances
- doubt
The book concludes with action steps, as well as, addressing how to thank God when it hurts. I highly recommend this book!
My TOP 5 biggest takeaways
I will say that I was very “highlighter-happy” in this book and it was super hard to narrow it down to just FIVE takeaways, but here goes…
- #1 – The difference between being grateful for the gift versus praising the Giver (natural gratitude vs. gracious gratitude).
- #2 – We should be like a fountain (or a glass of water) filled to the brim with gratitude so that when we are agitated, we will spill out gratitude. On contrary, if we are full of bitterness, when we get shaken up, we will only spread bitterness. This picture was a rude awakening for me! Sometimes when I am crabby (and so ungrateful) and I convince myself that it won’t affect those around (if they would just leave me alone … jk), but the truth is I overflow that which I am full of! So if I am full of bitterness, it will seep from me and if tipped, it will pour right out of me like an angry flood… not that this has ever happened <insert ‘hand on forehead’ emoji here>.
- #3 – Have you ever been worried about the security of your salvation?? Ah! This was so good for me. Some of you may read that question and think YES I wonder this all the time! While others might read it with scrunched eyebrows like “no way… what’s to worry about? I am saved and that’s final.” Well, I didn’t have one big, grand, D
amascus “moment” of salvation. While some say my story is very powerful, my road to salvation was gradual so there are times that I am like… I am saved… right? Mary spells it out so perfectly in her book, she writes:
“Are you ever bothered by doubts about the security of your salvation? If so, ask yourself whether you are thankful for God himself, rather than only for what He can give you. If you are, you can take great comfort in realizing that your genuine gracious gratitude — your thankfulness for who God is– is a marvelous result of the fact that you are forever safe in the care of your personal Savior, who died and rose again for you. How kind of the Lord to allow our gratitude to Him to also serve as assurance to us!”
-Mary K. Mohler, Growing in Gratitude
- #4 – Just TRUST Him already! In each and every situation God is always doing a million things that we cannot see and do not know! As Mary states, “We are wise to refrain from trying to second guess his plan, and instead rejoice in the fact that we serve a God who loves us and is in FULL control of all things.” Just trust Him, okay?
- #5 – Count your thorns. Wait come again? We are often better at thanking God for the rose but are we thankful for the thorns as well? This chapter really helped show me how thorns can actually be a blessing and ultimately a way for the Lord to further His kingdom. The story of Corrie Ten Boom and the fleas puts it all into perspective… I won’t spoil it for you though. Go read it for yourself! I found this to be so powerful that I started a “Counting my Thorns” page in my favorite Prayer Journal.
In conclusion, go read this book! It is so so so good and one that you will not regret. Now I am excited to open the cover of my next book called Launch by Jeff Walker! If I can keep up this awesome reading pace, hopefully, I will have another review for you next week!
Make it a great week and THANK YOU for taking time to read this review!
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