So as I mentioned in this previous post one of the best ways to avoid homeschool workload overwhelm is by combining subjects.
This is a brilliant tip that I probably learned from one of my favorite podcasts. (NOTE: I learn so much from podcasts! If you don’t already listen to them while you fold laundry, start doing it! Choose one from my list and I promise you will be super encouraged.)
I was finding that we just had too many things on our daily homeschool to-do list. I was dreading our homeschool days because there was just simply too much to check off. So after gleaning this wisdom from a fellow homeschooler I took the tip and ran with it!
Before this change, our day consisted of all the core subjects PLUS handwriting, spelling and Bible/Prayer time plus a few more. These
So now instead of doing those three separatel we combine them! This leaves all of us more time in the day for chores and creative free time (which I need too)!
Here is how I have the kids do their prayer journal each day (it is different than how I set up mine. Check out my favorite prayer journal here):
FIRST Grab a notebook for each child

It can be any spiral notebook. I happened to have found these prayer journals at a used book sale for like $0.30 each. They are nothing special. A basic notebook will do just fine.
SECOND Guide their writing (not their thoughts)

My kids are 7 and 8, they need guidance with what to write in a prayer journal. I made it super simple so they can get in the habit of talking to the Lord in these three ways everyday:
- Gratitude: I have them begin by writing at least one thing they are thankful for. Studies show that people who’s hearts are trained to be grateful are overall happier human beings! Not only is this helping their handwriting, but their character too! Score!
- Praise: Next, I tell them to write one way that God is awesome. I explain to them that this is called worship or praise. It is good to praise God everyday and it helps us remember what an awesome God He is.
- Supplication: Lastly, I have them write down one thing that they need God’s help with that day.
Below is a sheet out of my daughter’s prayer journal:
Have fun combining subjects and lightening your homeschool workload! What subjects have you combined?
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