5 Tips to Wake Up Early (and stay up!☀️)

Rise and shine!! Mornings are my best times! Studies even show that people are most productive their first 4 hours of their day.

I would have to agree. The days that I get up early workout, read my Bible, read a chapter of my book, shower, get ready and SMILE 😁 are truly my best days!!

But there is one tiny thing that needs to happen before any of that other productive stuff… waking up 😴😩

Ahhh it really is the hardest part and I struggle with it at times too, but rest assured, once you are up it’s not that bad 🤗

If you struggle with the physically getting out of bed part, here are a few tips from me to YOU 😘

1) Use an actual alarm clock and set it up across the room.

☀️This requires you to get your beautiful booty out of bed to shut it off and once you are vertical you are more likely to stay up rather than snooze it.

2) Set a lamp next to your bed to turn on via a timer.

☀️Let there be light!! Seems abrupt but it gets the job done!!

3) Brush your teeth and/or wash your face first thing! 💦

☀️I used to wait till after coffee, but this seriously helps! Try it!

4) Sleep in Clean workout clothes and have socks/tennis shoes set out, ready to rock!

☀️The fewer excuses I have and the fewer steps I have to complete in the morning the more successful I am!!

5) Drink a full glass of water right away 💦

☀️Not only will this stimulate your senses, but it will hydrate your dehydrated body that hasn’t had a sip in 8 hours!! Drink up friends!!

Happy morning to you!!

❤ Allison

PS – Are you good at waking up in the morning? What is a tip you can share for getting that tired body out of bed? Comment below!

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