My Love Letter to Anyone who feels Judged, Hated and Outcast

Dear Friend,

I am writing to you today to remind you that you are loved. Radically, unconditionally loved. In a culture that defines love as “love is love is love is love…” let’s define what love really is.

Read on, friend.

You can do what you desire with these words today, but I assure you that if you take them in your heart as Truth, you will be changed. You will be free, and you will feel what it means to be truly loved, maybe for the first time in your life.

My friend, you were created by a God who loves you so much. He made you with the exact eye shape, hair color, skin tone, and all the other features that comprise the perfectly unique you that you are. You were made on purpose. You are beautiful just the way you are created.

The world might tell you that you aren’t good enough and that you were created in the wrong body. The world wants you to believe that you were created on accident, by chance. But that’s not true. That is a lie. You were created on purpose, just the way you are.

Not only that, but you are here for a purpose. Yes, God placed you on this earth at this exact time for a reason. Perhaps, like many of us, you wish you knew what that purpose was… Read on, I can help you find out.

So you might be wondering, if I was created on purpose for a purpose, by a loving God then why do I struggle with same-sex attraction or feeling like the wrong gender or drunkenness, stealing, murder, hate, adultery, sexual immorality, porn addiction, (fill in the blank)? If God is perfect, why would he create me to desire such things or to be so confused….?

It’s the same reason that I struggled with sexual immorality, drunkenness, foul language and even willingly killing my unborn baby in my past.

The answer is sin.

We are all sinful and we all struggle with sin. You, me, your neighbor, the local bank teller, everyone.

You see our perfect God created a perfect world for us to live in, but because of sin we are separated from our Creator and sin has contaminated His perfect creation. That is why we are surrounded by sickness, sadness, death, murder, evil and hate. Sin.

He gave each of us a free will. The will to choose. He didn’t want us to be forced to love Him, but rather to choose to love Him. But so often our freedom to choose leads us deeper into sin, further separating us from God.

If I were to end here, I’d leave you pretty much in the same place where we started at the beginning of this letter. What is the point in believing that you were created by a loving God if you are separated from Him because of the sin in your life?

Well, good news, it doesn’t end there! Listen up, because this is where it gets really good.

A friend explains it like this, sin is a door that separates us from God. God does not have a doorknob in His side, but we do. All we have to do is open that door and accept His free gift of forgiveness.

And that doorknob represents Jesus Christ.

God wanted you back so badly. You are his absolute favorite creation. He loves you so much He made away for you to come back to Him. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to pay your sin debt by dying on the cross.

You see when we sin, it creates a debt in our lives. And the only way to pay our “sin debt” is death. Death which would lead to eternal separation from God. Hell. Yes, it’s real.

But God doesn’t want to be eternally separated from you or me or your neighbor or the local bank clerk. He wants you to live eternally with Him. So He sent His Son who lived a perfect life and had no sin debt to pay our debt, to die the death we deserve to die.

For God so loved the world He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not die but have eternal life.

John 3:16

HE GAVE US A SECOND CHANCE! It’s so simple… all we have to do is humbly & wholeheartedly accept His free gift of forgiveness, turn from our sin, receive Christ as our Savior (aka the Forgiver of your sins), rely upon him as Lord (aka Leader of your life) and follow God as your Heavenly Father.

So if you feel angry or dirty because of your lifestyle and you want to change. Smile and look up! You are so freaking loved it hurts!

You can accept this free, radical gift of love today! You just need to receive it.

Stop listening to the lie that tells you…

… you aren’t good enough. LIE!

… you are ugly. LIE!

… you are in the wrong body. LIE!

… you are weak. LIE!

… you can’t break your addiction. LIE!

… you are too bad to be loved by a good God. LIE!

… your sins are too big to be forgiven. LIE!

… you are too far gone. LIE!

Our culture has tried to redefine love as accepting of all and claim that God is the opposite. That couldn’t be more untrue. Jesus willingly dies for our sins, knowing every single sin you were going to commit in advance, but he still did it. Knowing who would forever reject Him, He still did it. Knowing that many would accept Him and then return to their old ways, He still did it.

Who willingly dies for a people who openly hate Him? Someone who truly loves. Jesus loves you so much.

So you have two choices:

  • #1 Continue living the life that you are living. Reject this message of Truth. Whether you believe what I say to be true or not, we all have to answer to God one day for our actions and receive whatever it is we deserve according to our actions (eternal life with God in Heaven or eternal separation from God aka Hell). The greatest lie that Satan has convinced man of is that he is not real and that Hell does not exist.

“For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done in the body whether good or bad.”

2 Corinthians 5:10
  • #2 Accept the free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and turn from your sin. Once we do this, when God sees us, He sees us as perfect. Yes, you will still struggle with temptation. But you will be made new. You will have the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome the things that once overcame you. You will be guided by the Holy Spirit to fulfill your purpose here on this Earth.

“If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

1 John 1:9

The choice is yours now. No one else can make this decision for you. You can make this decision right now where you are.

I would love to pray for you! Please email me at so that I can lift you up, my friend!

xoxo Allison

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