The Homeschool Momprenuer’s Favorite Podcasts

Favorite podcasts. A complete list of tried and true podcast for every homeschooling mom and mompreneurs!

I am new to this world of podcasts, but I have quickly come to love listening to them and I am excited to share my favorite podcasts with you!

FI often get asked the following questions: How do you stay so positive? How do you homeschool your kids without losing your mind?

First of all, I want to tell you this: If you think I have it all together, you couldn’t be further from the truth. I still do lose my mind on some days (confession)! Any and every good thing that is seen in me is ONLY Christ leaking out of me. It is 100% Him, 0% me.

With that being said, my first tip for you is this (before listening to my favorite podcasts do this!):

Spend every day reading God’s word, even if just for 10 minutes each day. Make it a point to open your Bible (our use the YouVersion app) Also, pray. Ask God for help and wisdom and direction.

Once those to spiritual habits are down pat, I encourage you to invest in yourself mentally. The mind is a powerful persuader and dissuader. We can talk ourselves out of a lot of things if our minds are weak. So just like it is important to exercise your body at least 4x a week. We must also exercise our minds at least 4x a week if not more…

So, how does one go about exercising their mind?

My two favorite ways are personal development books AND podcasts! I love podcasts even more than books because I can multitask while listening to them (i.e. I can run, fold laundry, vacuum, drive, all while listening to my favorite podcasts).

If you don’t listen to podcasts on a regular basis… I encourage you to start today! It is a beautiful way to connect with other people like you who experience the same struggles as you and often times offer solutions to some of those very same things!

Don’t know where to start?

I threw together a list of my favorite podcasts for you right here with convenient links to their podcast pages:

Family Life/Raising Kids/Homeschool

Parenting On Purpose

– This podcast is hosted by a Christian therapist and father who dissects the common struggles we have as parents raising children. He digs into scripture very thoroughly and offers solutions that you can start applying today. With each episode only 15 min long, this is a great podcast to squeeze in during laundry folding time!

Homemaking Foundations

– Hosted by Jami Balmet, a busy mom of 5 littles, this podcast is packed full of real encouragement from a mom who gets it! If you ever felt like you are a busy mom overtaken by little people and no one understands your struggles… I promise you will feel encouraged by Jami! She approaches homemaking from a biblical perspective as a woman in the trenches of life with little kids. Do your self a favor and give her a listen!

Titus 2 Minute

– Also hosted by Jami Balmet (from the Homemaking Foundations podcast above), this is a “bite-sized” podcast with shorter episodes. In each episode, she dives into topics revolving around biblical homemaking and what it means to be a Titus 2 woman.

The Smiling Homeschooler

– Hosted by one of my favorite homeschooling speakers, Todd Wilson. Todd is a homeschooling dad who has set out to build a ministry that encourages homeschooling families. His witty sense of humor makes any tired homeschool mom (or dad) laugh, feel energized and encouraged to keep on going on this homeschooling journey!

The Familyman Show

– This podcast (geared towards homeschooling Dads) is also hosted by Todd Wilson (from The Smiling Homeschooler Podcast above). Although I have not actually listened to this podcast, I am confident in recommending it. I have listened to Todd at numerous homeschool conferences and I have read many of his books. He is hilarious, real and awesome at getting to the heart of fathers (and mothers too)!  This podcast is directed specifically towards fathers in order to encourage them in their roles in the homeschool.

Schoolhouse Rocked

– I just recently discovered this podcast by accident. This homeschooling podcast is unique because it approaches the subject of homeschooling from a defensive (in a positive way) stance. In every episode, they make it their goal to spread awareness for homeschooling and how it is the BEST option for all families. Yep (I just said it) for everyone!

Encouragement to Grow/Entrepreneurship/Blogging

The Crystal Paine Show

– You probably know Crystal Paine better as The Money Saving Mom. She is amazing over on that platform. If you aren’t familiar with her blog and money-saving deals that she shares daily, I recommend browsing her site for sure! You won’t be sorry. She just recently launched her own podcast show where she covers a multitude of topics. No matter what Crystal covers, I am always left encouraged after listening to her.

The Goal Digger Podcast

– This podcast is hosted by marketing guru, Jenna Kutcher. She offers TONS of applicable tools and tips for learning how to market yourself online. She also has a bunch of free tools on her blog for rocking out different areas of your blog or online business.

Do You Even Blog?

-I have found this podcast to be extremely helpful as I begin my blogging endeavor. Host Pete McPherson often times interviews very successful bloggers who share where they have struggled, what they learned and how they found success. He also does solo podcasts which are ALWAYS well organized and packed full of applicable content that will help you grow as you apply it!

Blogging Your Passion Podcast with Jonathan Milligan

– So this may sound weird, but I really like this guys voice! It is super calming and in addition, his podcast show is awesome! The goal over at Blogging Your Passion is to help 1,000 bloggers go full-time in the next 5 years. Sweet! I want to be one of those 1,000… you too?! Go listen! His episodes are typically shorter but full of value.


– There are SO many “health gurus” out there these days. It is difficult to find one that you can totally trust. Many of them just go along with the current fad. Not this podcast! This podcast is hosted by Dr. Nick Zyrowski who also has a killer YouTube channel. Dr Zyrowski is passionate about cellular detoxification and healing the body naturally. Check out his podcast AND subscribe to his YouTube Channel where new videos are posted throughout the week.

Inside Shakeology

– Shakeology is something we have been using in our home for almost 2 years now. It is an amazing superfood shake that has replaced the use of multivitamins in our home. If you aren’t familiar with Shakeology and are looking for a healthy solution to fill in the nutritional gaps for your family, I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. (We haven’t been “sick” since we started drinking it AND my husband was able to get off of his blood pressure meds and lower his cholesterol since drinking it… maybe coincidence, probably not)! I love to listen to this podcast and learn why it is SO good for the body.

Defending the Christian Faith

Heidi St. John – The Busy Mom

– I could listen to Heidi St. John all day! She is absolutely rooted so firmly in her faith and stands to defend it. Her passion is encouraging others to stand firm as well. Heidi tackles tough topics like tolerance, politics, gender identity and so much more. She defends the Christian faith so gracefully. She also has a ministry called Strong Mom International. Check it out! Be encouraged!

I hope you found this list helpful! Don’t forget to PIN this you have it for later!

What is your favorite podcast to listen to??

xoxo Allison

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